Sunday, March 26, 2017

NAFTA's Strategic Plan on Pesticide Use

It is important for companies and organizations to have a strategic plan in which they analyze their environment, define goals and objectives, and develop strategies and plans.  In the next five years, NAFTA’s Technical Working Group has a goal to, “align the North American registration systems for pesticides and products treated with pesticides and make work- sharing a way of doing business.” To do this it must identify trade barriers and ways to promote the introduction of pest management tools. Its next objective is to encourage cooperation on reviews of pesticide use. Another objective they have to meet their goal is to, “work cooperatively on priority science and regulatory issues and practices including data requirements, science approaches and policies for data interpretation, and risk assessment and communications of regulatory decisions.”  NAFTA realizes that it must evolve its goals and strategic objectives as the regulatory nature of pesticides advance.  Read the full strategic plan here:

-Lorreen McCabe

Friday, March 24, 2017

Free Trade Agreements - Australia and Germany

This week in class, we were asked if Germany or Australia would be a better fit for our hypothetical expanding business. Depending on the industry your business represents, either country could be a good fit. However, one factor that should be considered is trade agreements and how these agreements may affect your business. While the United States doesn't have any agreements specifically with Germany, there is currently a free trade agreement with the EU in negotiations (T-TIP). Australia already has a free trade agreement set in place (AUFTA). Below I have included links outlining both agreements. 


- Nicole 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Is NAFTA in the best interest of The United States?

A few weeks ago, we posted to inform you about President Trump’s views on NAFTA and how he believes it should be changed.  Today, I’d like to right about the pros and cons of NAFTA so viewers can form their own opinions. With NAFTA, trade between the three countries more than quadrupled, leading to lower prices on groceries and oil in the U.S. The U.S. also increased exports, especially in the form of services, benefitting the economy. NAFTA hurt the U.S. when manufacturers moved jobs to Mexico for lower labor costs. Although NAFTA did increase exports, it also increased U.S. trade deficit. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages and how NAFTA compares to other trade agreements here:
Lorreen McCabe

Monday, March 6, 2017

Trade law

Admittedly, this post is not going to discuss NAFTA or TPP directly. I've chosen this week to write a quick post about international trade law because it is an important aspect of NAFTA, TPP, or any trade agreement. The laws that surround trade are complex and ever changing. This ensures that the nations involved within the agreement will hopefully always receive fair representation. The laws are written and put in place by the government and each country has it's own set of laws/regulations. Below are links where you can find some of the rules and regulations for the U.S.

United States Court of International Trade

Subcommittee on Trade

International Consumer Protection

- Nicole