Sunday, March 26, 2017

NAFTA's Strategic Plan on Pesticide Use

It is important for companies and organizations to have a strategic plan in which they analyze their environment, define goals and objectives, and develop strategies and plans.  In the next five years, NAFTA’s Technical Working Group has a goal to, “align the North American registration systems for pesticides and products treated with pesticides and make work- sharing a way of doing business.” To do this it must identify trade barriers and ways to promote the introduction of pest management tools. Its next objective is to encourage cooperation on reviews of pesticide use. Another objective they have to meet their goal is to, “work cooperatively on priority science and regulatory issues and practices including data requirements, science approaches and policies for data interpretation, and risk assessment and communications of regulatory decisions.”  NAFTA realizes that it must evolve its goals and strategic objectives as the regulatory nature of pesticides advance.  Read the full strategic plan here:

-Lorreen McCabe


  1. I had never even thought about the idea that Pestices would be an element of NAFT. I can understand it regulating fruits / vegetables / produce, but not sure I would have thought about pesticides. I am impressed that they are taking in a multi year aspect to this as well. Thank you for sharing this. I had always thought agriculture was a contention point inside NAFTA. I am pleased to see that this is an element as there is so mamy chemicals that are in our diets.


  2. I would agree with you that it is very important for an organization to have a strategic plan that will analyze their environment as well as define goals and objectives. I am also very surprised that the NAFTA’s goal is to align the North American registration system for pesticides and products treated with pesticides and make work sharing a way of doing business. From me understand about pesticides is that we use them for destroying insects and other organisms that are harmful on foods that we may eat. Personally, I buy a lot of my food pesticide free due to me not trusting this chemical and hurting myself in the process. My entire family has always been this way as we continue to do so today. I will have to keep up and see if Canada, the United States, and Mexico succeed in their five-year strategy.

    Great post!

  3. While I completely agree with regulations making food safer for all consumers, the changes sometimes take too long to enact. The food industry is a very cumbersome giant. One example is the ban on partially hydrogenated oils passed by the FDA. The regulation was passed in June of 2015, yet manufacturers are not required to fully enact the change until June 2018. I can say the company I work for conformed within the first year of the regulation, yet I know of many others waiting until the deadline.I just hope NAFTA enacts the change sooner rather than later.
