Friday, February 17, 2017

In President Donald Trump’s short time in office, it has been evident that he believes NAFTA is not in the best interest of The United States. According to an article from Quartz, he argues that The United States is losing out, because work is being moved to countries that can produce products cheaper and for less labor costs.  In 2015, more than $235 billion in products were exported to Mexico. If the United States began charging a tariff on products Mexico exports to the United States, they legally could do the same. He is determined to renegotiate the agreement; however, it got off to a rough start when Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled his trip to Washington over a Twitter post by President Trump. He argued that changing NAFTA would help block illegal immigrants and proposed that Mexico pay for a wall to block them. Mexico is still willing to negotiate, but claims they will walk away if President Trump suggests that Mexico pay for the wall.  At this time, President Trump seems to be more concerned with Mexico and has not addressed Canada much. It will be interesting to see what happens with negotiations over the next several months between countries. Read the full article here: 
-Lorreen McCabe

1 comment:

  1. Great article from Quartz, which is a good news source, by the way. Many of the newer online news brands are suspicious at best, but Quartz/Atlantic is made up of some of the best reporters from across the best international media outlets including Economist, WSJ, Bloomberg, Atlantic Monthly, and others.
