Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trade and Culture

Last week in our international business class, we discussed how culture and business relate to each other and how each affects the other. One area of particular interest to me, however, is how trade affects culture. Trade agreements have been around since humans first began trading goods, and these trade agreements undoubtedly changed these cultures in both positive and negative ways. On the positive side, it introduced new products into the culture and allowed money to be made. Negatively, it was the cause of conflict due to greed. Trade also can impact the same country differently throughout. Native cultures are often impacted differently than cultures and peoples who emigrated into the country or are born into the country through parents who traveled there. Though the article below was written in 2014, it gives the reader a peak into how NAFTA and, at the time, soon to be implemented TPP impact the native inhabitants of Mexico.

- Nicole Dieterle


  1. I am curious what might have changed after the speech emphasized that the TPP was a mistake and that the president intends to cease actvities.

  2. It true that trade agreements have been around since humans first began, as we are still doing it till this day. Also the fact that it has both negatively and positively impacted our lives. Without trade, we would probably not be in the stage we are currently at right now, but who can say that is for the better or worse. In fact most humans have become very greedy and can never get enough. Once we have a teats of something good we always want better. It seem's that we can never have enough which is both good and bad. I was also looking at your article that contained information about Free trade and the Trans pacific partnership trade deal. Now my question is do you think they are currently engaged with the 11 other pacific nations. will the NAFTA continue to become a champion of free trade deals around the globe with more than a dozen free trade agreements.

    Great post!

  3. Wow! That is a very interesting article. I was unaware of some of the legal aspects built into TPP and TTIP. I think free trade can be a good thing, but not when it directly impacts the nation's sovereignty. I feel that is the US muscling around countries with lesser GDPs taking advantage of their eagerness to trade with the United States.
