Sunday, February 5, 2017


What is NAFTA? What is TPP? Why are they important to the United States economy and businesses? Hopefully, after visiting, you’ll be able to better answer these questions!

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade agreement negotiated (1994) between the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, while the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an agreement negotiated between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Unites States (until January 2017), and Vietnam. Where NAFTA fails, the TPP thrives. Below is a short article written by former president, Barack Obama, outlining just this.

Still have questions about NAFTA or TPP? Please visit these two sites for more information and continue to check back to the blog for more updates!

- Chloe, Lorreen, and Nicole


  1. Thank you very much for posting this intro. I had heard a lot though the years about NAFTA but I personally never took the time to sit and look who was involved and why it mattered.

    I did not realize that the TPP involved so many countries. I also realized that the countries involved are not very contiguous to each other. Many do not quire share a "region" so much as this being a standing agreement. NAFTA is a north to south agreement where the TPP is very much a member nations concept.

  2. The TPP actually never got a chance to 'thrive'. After 8-12 years of expansion (new members) and negotiations, and the elimination for the US of some 18000 tariffs, and final approval last year, the US has chosen to not ratify.
